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💬 Notifications


We send real-time notifications for different events, like new proposals, upcoming voting deadlines, and finalized voting outcomes. Some notifications are custom for each protocol, while others are generic. Below you can find a list of all notification types.

Notification types​


  • New proposal - a new proposal has been created
  • Proposal voting deadline - a proposal voting deadline is approaching. (ex: 2 days left, 6 hours left, etc.)
  • Vote ended - a proposal vote period has ended

Cosmos specific​

  • Deposit period deadline - a deposit period deadline is approaching. (ex: 2 days left, 6 hours left, etc.)

Aptos specific​

  • Proposal execution - a proposal has been executed

Deleted proposal notification Sometimes, a proposal can be deleted from the blockchain. In this case, we will send a notification that the proposal has been deleted.

This is the case with scam proposals, which are deleted by the protocol team.